Pre-Brew (Day Before or Morning Of)
- Rinse plate chiller, pump and hoses with hot water
- Lube Boil Kettle valves (drain and whirlpool) insert and close
- Fill Boil Kettle with brewing water
- Rinse if needed
- Connect water filter hose to spray faucet.
- Make sure water filter body is hand tight
- Insert whirlpool spout
- Fill
- Add campden tablet
- Add brewing salts
- Cover brew kettle
- Prepare Tower of Power
- Plug in Electrical (Do not plug into wall)
- Plug in Sensor
- Prepare Fermentor(s)
- Rinse
- Sanitize with Starsan
- Prepare Mash Tun
- Rinse if needed
- Install false bottom
- Install Sparge Arm
- Install Sparge Hose
- Lube dip tube
- Install dip tube - make sure washer is installed
- Lube quick connects (male)
- Lube valve, insert and close
- Take yeast out of Fridge
- Turn exhaust hood to low
- Bring water to strike temp
- Plug in Tower of Power
- Switch to on
- Power control level to “on” (100%)
- Put thermometer into Boil Kettle. Set alarm to strike temp.
- Plug in Tower of Power
- Place Mash Tun on Boil Kettle
- Install Hose A from Boil Kettle out to Pump in
- Install Hose B from Pump out to Mash Tun in
- Install Mash Tun drain tube and the correct orifice.
- When the water in the Boil Kettle hits the strike temperature, start circulation
- Open Pump valve all the way
- Open Boil Kettle valve 50%
- Turn on Pump
- Ensure water is flowing into mash tun
- Fill mash tun with approximately 1/2 of water volume then open mash tun valve to start circulation
- Set Tower of Power
- Set switch to “auto”
- Power control level to 88
- Set temp to ~4 degrees above strike temperature
- Adjust Pump valve and Mash Tun valve until system is balanced and the temperature of the water in the mash tun equals your strike temperature
- To get a good balance, its easier to dial it in by adjusting the flow out of the Mash Tun than with the Pump valve.
- Circulate until temperature in Mash Tun comes back up to your strike temperature.
- Dough In
- When the strike temperature in the Mash Tun is reached close Mash Tun valve
- Ensure there is at least 1/2 of the total water volume in the Mash Tun, if not continue to pump water from Boil Kettle until there is.
- Add crushed grain to Mash Tun
- Mix well and ensure there are no dough balls.
- Make sure there is at least 1 inch of water above the grain level.
- Insert temperature probe
- Let sit for 15 minutes
- Take PH Measurement
- Start RIMS Mash
- Set control level to 88%
- Set switch to Auto
- Set temperature to ~4 degrees above mash temperature
- Adjust Pump valve and Mash Tun valve until system is balanced and the temperature of the water in the Mash Tun equals your mash temperature
- To get a good balance, it is easier to dial it in by adjusting the flow out of the Mash Tun than with the pump valve.
- Ensure there is always at least 1 inch of water above the grain bed.
- Rake top 1/3rd of grain bed every 15 minutes
- Mash Out
- At end of mash time increase temperature on Tower of Power to 190*F.
- Watch temperature in Mash Tun - when it it 168*F stop mash
- Close Mash Tun valve
- Close Boil Kettle valve
- Turn off Pump
- Heating in Boil Kettle can continue, but keep an eye on the level in the boil kettle.
- Replace orifice in connector tube with .5 GPM
- Sparge/Drain Mash Tun
- Open Mash Tun valve to 10%
- Adjust Tower of Power
- Set control level to 50%
- Set switch to “on"
- Slowly drain wort into Boil Kettle until pre-boil volume is achieved.
- Remove Mash Tun from boil kettle
- I tilt the Mash Tun on the counter after it is removed to get as much wort out as possible (as needed)
- Turn on hood vent to 100%
- Turn on Tower of Power to 100% power
- Bring wort to a boil
- Prepare Hoses for Whirlpool and Plate Chiller Sanitization
- Remove Hose B from Mash Tun
- Empty Hose A and Hose B of wort, add to boil kettle (not really necessary but avoids a mess)
- Reconnect Hose A from Boil Kettle out to Pump in
- Connect Hose B from Pump out to Plate Chiller In
- Connect Hose C from Plate Chiller out to Whirlpool In on boil kettle
- Boil
- Take pre-boil gravity
- Use hop bags or hop spiders or etc. when adding hops to kettle (as to not clog Plate Chiller)
- Ensure a steady and rapid boil (power level of ~88 seems sufficient)
- 15 minutes before the end of the boil, sanitize Plate Chiller
- Open Boil Kettle Valve
- Make sure Pump Valve is open
- Make sure Plate Chiller valve is open
- Disconnect Hose C from Whirlpool Valve order catch the extra liquid in plate chiller, you don’t want this going into your wort.
- Turn on pump - collect Plate Chiller liquid from end of Hose C into a container and discard.
- Turn off pump when wort appears.
- Reconnect Hose C to Whirlpool in on Boil Kettle.
- Open Whirlpool Valve
- Turn on pump and recirculate boiling wort for 15 minutes.
- Do not run cold water through Plate Chiller for this step.
- Remove grain from Mash Tun and rinse Mash Tun
- Transfer to Fermenter
- Connect Water Hose A from Sink Spray to Plate Chiller Water in
- Connect Water Hose B from Plate Chiller Water out to Mash Tun. (to collect and re-use hot water for cleaning the system)
- Whirlpool for 15 mins
- Put cooling water into Mash Tun with PBR for later use.
- If Whirlpooling a hop addition, make sure temperature of wort stays in the 160-170*F range.
- Sanitize Racking Hose D
- On Plate Chiller Out, replace Hose C with Racking Hose D
- Close Boil Kettle valve
- Close Pump valve
- Close Plate Chiller valve
- Let wort rest for 15 mins.
- Turn on cold water at sink
- Open Boil Kettle valve
- Open Pump valve (100%)
- Open Plate Chiller valve (10% or less)
- Turn on Pump
- Rack to fermenter.
- Keep temperature of wort flowing into the Fermenter below 65*F, adjust this via the Plate Chiller valve.
- Flush Plate Chiller - Initial
- Connect Water Hose A to Sink Spray Hose
- Connect Hose A from Water Hose A to Pump in
- Connect Hose B from Pump Out to Plate Chiller Wort In
- Connect Hose C from Plate Chiller Wort Out to sink.
- Open Pump valve
- Open Plate Chiller Valve
- Flush with hot water
- Reverse flow into Plate Chiller and flush again
- Close Pump Valve
- Close Plate Chiller Valve
- Clean Plate Chiller with hot PBW in Mash Tun
- Connect Hose B from Mash Tun to Pump In
- Connect Hose A from Pump Out to Plate Chiller In
- Hose C from Pump In to Mash Tun. (You may need to “prime” the water in these hoses.)
- Open Pump valve
- Open Plate Chiller Valve
- Turn on Pump
- Circulate PBW for 15 mins.
- Turn off Pump
- Let sit for 15 mins.
- Connect Water Hose A to Hose B
- Put end of Hose C into Sink
- Flush with hot water for 5 minutes.
- Soak Boil Kettle with PBW
- Empty PBW in Mash Tun into Boil Kettle
- Let sit overnight.
- Drain Boil Kettle
- Rinse and Boil Kettle
- Rinse and dry Mash Tun